The first World Series Cricket Series set for Minden Playing Card Cricket has arrived. This set focussed on the first year of World Series Cricket - 1977/78 and includes everything the avid Minden Cricket fan needs to replay Supertests, one day games, and the County Cup.
It's all there with Advanced Cards and Basic Ratings for over 50 of the world's best cricketers in the late 1970s.
Appreciate all the effort going into this, great work.
The main issue is the stats are flaky. I have found do have Balls Faced, a crucial stat for batters when creating Minden Cricket Advanced cards and have spent hours this week collating and sorting them.
Progress is being made :-)
Fantastic news, can’t wait for this.
I also own a few of the above publications – no distractions now, crack on and get this done!
Loved WSC as a kid. Still have my old Maccas posters with all the players and Ronald McDonald.